2013 | Tony’s Farm sustainable hotel and office

March 2013 | The movement to be green and eco-conscious is slowly but surely gaining ground in urban China, and one of the ways we’ve seen it grow is through our client, Tony’s Farm (多利农庄). Today, they are the largest organic farm in Shanghai with a stunning vegetable production facility and thousands of customers.
The Tony’s Farm facility, designed and constructed by our architecture partners Playze, is an impressive sight, with 78 individual container-shaped modules, each with unique climatic and operational demands. It was designed with visitors in mind, and seeks at every turn to integrate visitors and customers into the facility, reassuring them that their produce is being handled in the most sustainable way possible. Tony’s Farm is one of the largest production facilities of its kind in China, and they are helping to lead the way for organic food in the Middle Kingdom, a product niche and movement that is still just starting to gain a foothold here. In the true Tony’s spirit, the production facility serves not only as a production floor for their vegetables, but also as a full-service visitor’s center, office and even (in the near future) a hotel – we’d love to visit sometime! Several strategies have been used to reduce the energy consumption of the building, and it’s definitely one of the more interesting sustainability-related sites to see in Shanghai.
As we wrote before, we helped Tony’s Farm with communication material, packaging design and more.
To visit our partner Playze’s website, click here.
To read about sustainable design, please click here.

Photos taken by Bartosz Kolonko
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